Friday, January 13, 2012

imPRESS Press-on Manicure

Got these in the same gift box that i mentioned in my earlier post here's the website

imPRESS Press-On Manicure

This changes everything!

Introducing imPress Press-On Manicure by Broadway Nails, the revolutionary way to apply polish! Featuring advanced nail technology, you can get a salon-perfect manicure in seconds – simply peel off, press on, and you're done. There's no drying, a killer shine and a manicure that lasts up to a week! And, imPress is so easy to remove, you can change it up to match your mood as often as you want. Check out all 36 colors and patterns, including trendy brights, classic darks and animal prints. With imPress, your nails will always be your best accessory.

imPress Manicure retails for $5.99 for colors and $7.99 for patterns, and is available at CVS, Rite Aid, Duane Reade, KMart, Walgreens, Walmart and more. For a full list of online and in-store retailers, visitimPressManicure.comwhere you can download an exclusive coupon and virtually try on all the colors and patterns!

NYC New York Color

NYC New York Color is a lip gloss that i received from a gift box from the website Influenster. Its a great lip gloss and you can check it out here 

NYC New York Color Liquid Lipshine

Straight from the city that never sleeps, NYC New York Color offers products with uptown style at down-to-earth prices, from $.99 - $4.99. The energy, style and color of New York City shines through the wide range of shades, textures and innovative products. NYC always delivers the most on-trend products & shades hot off the runway!

A beauty-editor favorite is Liquid Lipshine ($2.49). It has pure pigments that created a 3-D gloss effect. Vitamin E provides shine and a moisturizing feel. The formula is non-sticky, super shiny & soft. Available in 10 on-trend shades from neutral nudes, to berries & fuchsias. Start shopping for NYC at these stores nearest you: Walmart, Target, Rite Aid, CVS, Family Dollar, Duane Reade, Kmart, HEB, and others.  Visit to check out all shades and fun products from New York Color!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Comic Con 2011

So this past weekend I join Thousands of people for the New York Comic Con in no other then my place of employment the Javits Center. I was only really able to go one day which was Sunday being that I worked Friday and took Saturday for a much need day off from a long week of non stop running around. Now lets begin...

This year comic con had a four day stay instead of the usual three which was Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Thursday was for media and VIPs so Friday was officially the first day open to the public. I had to work the show greeting the attendees and helping them get to where they gotta go. I usually hate greeting for the shows because I usually don't know much about the show that I'm greeting but comic con was a joy cause I knew pretty much everything about the show being that I love the show and attend every year. I only had to work til 3:30pm so I was able to check out the show for a bit after greeting with my BB yadie and I was able to get some free stuff cause anyone who knows me knows how I love free I saw alot of cool booths and new games coming out but there wasn't that many good costumes this year like there were last year. I got two free books and one I got signed. I also got a few free shirts, stickers, and other little things before I headed home.

Sunday was the big day being that one of my favorite authors was going to be signing at comic con so Me and by sister Tamika headed out early to get as much done before our author Jeaniene Frost would be there. We got there at 10 am and went straight to the book section to get our book grabbing on :). We hung around the book section like scanventages grabbing every book we can. We got about 8 signed by the authors and was first in line for many of them. At 1:00pm Ms. Frost began signing and we got pix with her. It was my sisters first time meeting her so she was super excited. I had met her once before but I was still excited about see her again and when I mentioned that I was the person who messaged her on Good reads about how I would be seeing her at Comic Con she smiled and laughed sayings of yea I remember :). Sometimes being a stalker pays I was remembered by another author that I met at last years Comic Con. It was her first signing and I was the first person on line(which by the way I was first again this year :)) and I asked her how her first time at Comic Con was going and asked about her book. When she saw I was the first on line again this year she was all smiles and was like hey I remember you from last year its great to see you again! Then she asked for my email address so she can send me info about her latest book coming out. She was so sweet she not only signed a book for me but she also signed a card for me, SWEET!!!

By the end of the day I got about 34 free books which 8 were signed, met some great new authors who were super nice, and got to see old authors again. I also got 4 more free shirts and a branch of other cool stuff. It was a good day. I had alot fun with my sister and I was happy that she got a chance to experience the whole thing for the first time even though she did get tired but she was happy in the end. I wish that yadie would have came with us but she hurt her back and stood home to rest. But there's always next year and I will be there next year and every year after cause I just love Comic Con!!!!  

Sunday, October 2, 2011

29th Birthday!!!!

OK so I'm more then a little late on this post being that my birthday was Sept 24th but whatever I'm doing it now so there! Well i wanted to go away for my birthday but that didn't happen being that I'm a broke ass chick right now but that didn't stop me from going out anyways. I planned to meet up with a couple of girlfriends for dinner, movie, and bar. So the attendees were of course myself being that i am the birthday girl, my lil big sis Tamika, two of my bff's Renee and Yadie, and a newbie to the group Destinie (yes that's her real name!!). The was to meet up on Friday 23rd which we did. First I met up with Yadie at hunts point 6 train station where we chatted it up about the usual, books and hot guys from books and We then met up with Renee and Destinie at 125th st station and headed downtown to met up with Tamika who by the way was waiting for some time for us...sorry!! So on the ride downtown we talked about work and relationships, usual girl stuff when all of a sudden Destinie got scared by a chick who very much looked like a dude stood over her looking at the train I thought it was funny only bc I imaged the chick saying "What a bitch" in her head. So we get off the train and pick up Tamika from her job. Now image a group of four super cute females walking in together to pick another super cutie that's what I call an awesome So now that the party was complete it was time to eat!!!

We walked to a Japanese spot that Tamika and I found a couple weeks before and sat down for some dinner. We ordered and waited for a while for our food but it was worth it in the end. We continued our girl talk which now included a discussion about a group of old white lady's that had a black baby with them eating at a table behind We joked and laughed while finishing our dinner. When we finish it was time for the movies. Phase one completed!!

Being that we, will i, was running late we had to catch a later showing of the movie. The movie you might ask was Abduction. Yes I'm hot for Taylor Lautner and so was the rest of my group!!! Anyways, we had to walk to 42nd to the movie theatre and boy oh boy was that a You would like that the rain would keep the crazies home but nope they were out and about. First this old man with a cowboy hat went under Tamika's umbrella and was like "hey you going to share your umbrella with me". So of course Tamika starts walking away from him as fast as possible leaving me and Destinie behind with the old cowboy. Now me and Destinie were sharing my umbrella but she was holding it cuz shes the taller one. The old cowboy now decides that he can fit under my umbrella and Destinie being Destinie goes along but i could do nothing but laugh cuz of course this would happen on my night out. He walked with us for about a block and then was off on his merry cowboy way. I decided maybe we such cross the street before he decides to join us the rest of the way so we did. The other side of the street was no better. Some random Mexican decided that he wanted my umbrella and tries to jump up to grab it but missed so we Then a group of young ass boys tried to talk to us and some other loser guys. But we finally had it to the theatre. So we get our sits up front and the screen was huge. The movie starts and we're gaga over Taylor :) Now the movie was a little disappointing. I felt that there could have been more action in it and I really didn't like the leading female she was lame. So after many comments on how hot Taylor is and wow look at his abs the movie finished. Now begins the search for a bathroom. We tried to find an open bathroom without a line down to Broadway but it wasn't easy. But thanks to Destinies friendliness an usher showed us a bathroom that was open and was hardly used. So as we used our VIP discussed what we liked and didn't like about the movie. Once we were done it was time to part ways with some of my girls. Renee and Yadie had to work the next day so they had to head home. So me, Tamika, and Destinie said our goodbyes and headed up to grand central. Phase Two completed!!

As we headed to the bar Destinie informs me and Tamika that she was meeting up with some friends of hers so she wasn't going to the bar with us. We walked part way with her and said goodbye now it was just me and Tamika. We went to a bar called The Public House where we met up with my co worker Nashaera (I know i know people with strange names but i love them so there!!). I reserved a table for us weeks prior and I was given a free 3hr unlimited drinks band :) I was given three tables!!! Which being that I only had three people in my party it was a little funny. Nashaera brought her own band for $40 and we hit the bar hard!! The music was good and the people were cool with the expectation of a few drunks thinking it was OK to leave there empty bottles and glasses on our table but Nashaera handled As I was sitting and chatting with the girls I noticed this guy standing by our table. At first I thought that I had to many drinks but no I was seeing clearly and what I saw was I swore to God that this guy looked like Thor straight from the movie. He was tall, blond shoulder length hair,bread, blue eyes and built. I was just staring at him like oh my god its The girls were like what are you looking at and i was like at Thor and they laughed at me and i was like no really look. And they did and was like oh shit it is So of course i sneaked a pix of him without him knowing and posted it on Face book saying that Thor came to wish me a Happy Anyways we had a good time singing, dancing, laughing it up at the bar until about 3am. Nashaera was hungry so we went to an all night buffet/store on the corner of the same block as bar. She ordered a burger and fries. Me, well I saw a huge vanilla frosting cupcake with rainbow sprinkles and i had to have cuz it was my birthday :) I wanted the cupcake but i also wanted a discount being that it was my birthday but the manager was a jerk and charged me full price plus tax !!!! What a douche!!! So i brought the cupcake and shared it with the girls. I also was playing with this cute cat at the store and Nashaera wanted to play to but the cat scratched her hard so she stopped. When the food was ready we sat down and shared some of the fries, and they were good by the way :), and talked about the fun we had at the bar and how we have to go back again. So now it was time to head home. Phase Three completed!!!

On the way home we talked about everything we did and laughed. We all parted ways to our homes and beds that awaited us and decided yes we must do this again. And that was my pre-birthday celebration.

My actual birthday Sept 24th was a little more laid back. I slept in, my husband made me breakfast, then the family and I head to the movies to see no other then the Lion King 3D, i of course picked the We got candy, popcorn and drinks before the movie so we didn't have to buy there, some might say that's cheap but i call it smart. I also was able to get a free popcorn by checking into the movie on yahoo :). We were early for the movie so we sat and watched Dolphin Tale for awhile, it was actually pretty good to bad we couldn't finish it cuz our movie was about to start. I totally enjoyed the 3D experience of the Lion King. Being that its one of my favorites I didn't mind paying to see it again and wow did the colors very pop out. We came home after the movie where my husband cooked dinner and Tamika and her boyfriend Orban came by with a cake for me :). We ate cake and waited for Yadie to get home from work so me, Tamika, and Destinie can have a sleep over at her place being that she now had her own apt. She and Destinie picked us and we headed to the apt. The two of them got me a card which the both wrote the same extact thing "You're awesome!!" They so didnt read what each other wrote til after the fact. I just love my We watched a movie called Branson, which is about englands most voilent prisnor, and drank. The movie was crazy and funny at the same time. We also watched an epidoe of  IT crew and The Man that Cried(with johnny depp). But as the hours went by Yadie was the first to bed being that she work that afternoon, then Tamika pass out on the sofa which left me and Destinie still up johnny But when the movie finished we got ready for bed which Yadie very nicely gave up her bed for the three of us(she's the best host :) ).Tamika was to tired to get up so Destinie picked her up and put her in bed but of course we didnt go striaght to sleep. Like little girls we talked and giggled in bed we even sang a little before we all finally fell out. Phase Four completed!!

I woke up around 10am and notice that all three of us were laying facing the door which in a way left us kind of spooning which So Yadie was up already doing her laundery and offered to make us pancakes for breakfast...yay!! As we waited for pancakes me and Tamika put on Tangled...yea i said I really liked it. So after finishing breakfast and Tangled Destinie woke up ate and took us home. Phase Five completed!!

So that was my 29th Birthday weekend. I had a blast and I thank everyone for coming,wishing, and giving me a very Happy Birthday!! Love You Guys!!                

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9-11 Remembering

Its 9/11, a day that is forever burned in the minds of New Yorkers. A day that life for New York changed and not just the appearance but at the very heart of this great city. I decided to write about what happened that day through my experience. Mind you I wasn't downtown when this happened but as a New Yorker it affected be like every New Yorker and though my life may not have been directly in danger that didn't mean that people i know and love as safe as I may have been and to tell the truth I didn't feel safe at all that day and the days after. 

So here's my story:

 I woke up to what was a beautiful sunny Sept 11, 2001. The weather was great and I couldn't wait to get to Lehman College to get in some learning and to meet up with friends on what appeared to be a great day to hang out outside. I did my usual getting ready for school routine, told my mom i was heading out and that I'll see her later and headed out the door. I got on the bx22 that took me the whole way to Lehman( i actually miss have to take only one form of public transportion to where i gotta go, just a random though :) ). I usually shared this ride with one of my classmates and this was no expect ion. We talked about the usual BS that college girls talk about then we realized that we where stuck in massive traffic on ford ham rd. I mean don't get me wrong there was always traffic but this was very unusual heavy traffic. It was then that we realized that "Holy crap we're going to be late for class" know we were such book worms well I still am. I am one of those people who actually loved going to school so this was a bumper for me and not to mention that the professor wouldn't be to happy either. So we sat on the bus in traffic checking our watches every second hoping that we would get there already but of course that didn't go as we hoped. By the time we got to school we were almost 40 MINS LATE!!!! So being that the class would be over soon we decided to go to the cafe in Carmen Hall and just wait for our next class. As we waited my friend said,"Hey you wanna listen to some T.V?". To that I answered,"What?". She laughed and told me that her radio can pick up T.V stations so that you can hear your favorite morning talk shows while you were on the go. That was news to me and with that I was like,"OK cool.". So there we were sitting at the outside patio trying to pick up a station when a news woman come on saying that a plane crashed into one of the twin towers and they were awaiting more information on what seems to be a terrible accident. As we heard this news and tried to process how could a plane accidentally crash into the tallest building in the world the woman started screaming,"OH GOD THERE'S ANOTHER PLANE HEADING FOR THE OTHER BUILDING!!!". Then we heard it, the plane hit the building. 

I don"t have to tell you that what seemed to be like hours was actually only a few seconds. We looked at which other in pure disbelief. "NO THAT JUST NOT HAPPEN!!" was written all over our faces. That's when we realized that nothing was said after the woman shouted those horrible words and as we run around the patio one earplug each looking like crazy people, we couldn't get a single station to get an update. At that moment we both looked up at the clear blue sky and i thought,"DAMN and i was such a beautiful day out." I think it was shock that made me think that but once that moment passed I looked at my friend and we started screaming at every passing person,"THE TWIN TOWERS WERE ATTACKED!!!. But of course no one believed us and looked at us like we were crazy bitches making up such a horrible lie. And of course i didn't care what they thought I know what i heard. So we decided to run to other separate classes to warn our friends, classmates, and teachers for what just happened. I had bio which lucky for me i had a good number of my very close friends in it and a run to them in tears and told them what happened. If it was anyone else I don't think they would have believed me but they knew me well enough to know that I would never make up such a thing. I started asking me questions that I couldn't answer course I hadn't hear anything else. So we went to the teacher and I told him what happened and of course he didn't believe me and i was like,"Look I don't care if you believe me or not but in about a few seconds your going to get a message from the school that this happened and I would have already left course my sister works downtown and I have to find out if she's OK. And if you wanna fail me for leaving do it!!!". And as i started walking away from a very angry teacher with my friends following suit that's when someone from the department ran into the room and told the professor the very same thing I just told him. But I was already out the door. When my friends and I got out of Carmen Hall it was obverse that everyone know what I been known. And that's when we were told that we couldn't leave the school grounds yet do to safe reasons and that the MTA was shut down. So we were sucked on campus. We decided that the best place to go to meet up with the rest of our friends was in the larger cafe at the end of campus and there would be T.Vs that hopefully we could get some information. When we got there many of our friends were there huddled around a T.V in shock and horror. And was just the beginning. 

No ones cells were working so they couldn't call or receive any thing but of course me being the only person who still had a beeper was page by my mom and several of my friends parents. We called them on pay phones to let them know we were OK and one of my friends parents who had a car and so happened to live a block away from me came to pick us up. That was a ride i"ll never forget cause as we drove over the Bronx river pkwy we saw the clouds of smoke where the buildings use to stand. I realized that I actually never really noticed the twin towers before because while they were just apart of my everyday life I guess but now that they were gone the view seemed so empty. That's when I realized that i don't ever remember going to those buildings and how i would now very be able to. I started appreciating things a lot more from that moment on.

When I got home my mom was crying and hug me like I was missing for years but i hug her back with the same intensity. I asked her if she heard from my sister and she was like yes, she's walking over the bridge to get back to the Bronx. I was so relieved I started crying cause I think I just realized how close I was to losing my big sister and how destroyed my life would have been without her. I then went to my younger sister and we sat and hugged while watching the news and waiting for our big sister to get home. I was by far one of the longest days of our lives. My poor sister had to walk miles to get to our house which she didn't live but of course she didn't want to be alone and wanted to see her family. When she finally got to the house it was a reunion. We were so overjoyed that she had it safely we just leaped at her with questions of how are you, what was it like, and such. But my poor sister was to exhausted to answer our many questions so she gave us a quick overview and we let her sleep. I did her favortive thing she loved me to do that she always fell right to sleep, I rubbed her head and played with her hair. At that point i was so happy that she was OK that if she wanted me to do that forever i would have. And that was the end of that day for us it was a happy joyous day but unfortunately that many were so lucky.

I found later that there was a few students for Lehman that died on that day and there's a momeriol for them on campus. But thou I didnt really know one except one that was in one of my classes but i wasnt close at all with them it still sadned me. How could there be such evil in this world. But what i took from that day was more then what they took from me. I realized how strong i can be for my friends and family, how much i truly loved the people around me, an apprication for life, people, and things around me. Yea of course i was scared out of my mind then and for sometime after but in the end like a true New Yorker I overcome it. 

But New York was changed forever like we all were. We lost one of the most beauitfully made buildings that stood taller then any in the world and we lost so many innicence people. Lives were broken and are still trying to be but back together but theres always something good to learn from tragdy. What I learned was that the human spirit is capable of great evil but even greater good. The men and women who blindly ran into those burning buildings to help people that they didnt even know was something that we should never forget. We might not have super heroes with powers but we do have heroes that are even better. Regular everyday people who put aside the many differences that we have to achieve one goal, safe as many lives as possible. If only we can always be like this but its nice to know that that compassion is there and will kick in the greatest of needs. 

God bless everyone who witnessed, lost people, and saved many lives on this day ten years ago.


Friday, September 9, 2011

So we here go....

So this is officially my first blog and i really don't know what I'm doing!! I guess i just use this as a journal or something to rant and rave about everyone and everything. Its funny how these kinds of things used to be viewed as private but now its all over the web for all to see. well i don't mind cuz i pretty much tell everyone everything that's in my head most of the time anyways so how is this different. So i guess I'll start with I'm the middle child of three girls, a triangle i like to think we are, three line's that together make a pretty cool shape but mainly three individuals that support one another and wouldn't be what we are today if we weren't together. I'm married to an alpha male that pretty much would do everything in his power to make his family happy. I'm a mother of two monster boys who make each day a day to remember. And I'm a loyal friend to those whom i feel are completely awesome and deserve such loyalty. I'm a hard worker and enjoy learning new things. So i guess that enough of that. Maybe now I'll talk about my oldest son Lucas first days of kindergarten.

Yesterday was hes first day and it was chaos. The school was completely unorganized and if there's one thing i hate when it comes to so call professionals its being unorganized and unprepared. Kids and parents were crowed up around the gates to the entrance like they were getting free metro cards for calling out loud and no one knew what was going on. The teachers were yelling at parents to let the kids though and leave. We all just looked at each other was like "hell no we wont go". They wanted parents to blindly send their children into the school which many of them have never been to to find a teacher they never met. That was completely out of the question so i sent my alpha male husband in with Lucas to find out who hes teacher was and of course he did it :). So fastfoward to dismissal where we were told pick up the kids at the same place we dropped them off to find out almost 10 mins later that no actually their in the front. And to top that off the vice principle had the nerve to tell us parents that we need to be on time for pick up!!!! And of course once again my alpha male husband came to the rescue and let that lady know whats whats :).  But today was much smoother then yesterday and hopefully will continue to be. As for my Lucas, he was a champ!! He didn't cry like many of the other kids and many much older then he is. He also went in today by himself and found hes teacher. Of course i know this cuz I'm also a stalker mom that sneaked in the auditorium and hide in the back, i cant help it he's still my

So this concludes my first blog which is probably going to continue to be as random as this one and hopefully entertaining for u readers :). My next definite blogs will be about my up coming birthday and comic con which I'm uber excited about. And I'll be on writing about whatever randomness that happens before.