Sunday, October 2, 2011

29th Birthday!!!!

OK so I'm more then a little late on this post being that my birthday was Sept 24th but whatever I'm doing it now so there! Well i wanted to go away for my birthday but that didn't happen being that I'm a broke ass chick right now but that didn't stop me from going out anyways. I planned to meet up with a couple of girlfriends for dinner, movie, and bar. So the attendees were of course myself being that i am the birthday girl, my lil big sis Tamika, two of my bff's Renee and Yadie, and a newbie to the group Destinie (yes that's her real name!!). The was to meet up on Friday 23rd which we did. First I met up with Yadie at hunts point 6 train station where we chatted it up about the usual, books and hot guys from books and We then met up with Renee and Destinie at 125th st station and headed downtown to met up with Tamika who by the way was waiting for some time for us...sorry!! So on the ride downtown we talked about work and relationships, usual girl stuff when all of a sudden Destinie got scared by a chick who very much looked like a dude stood over her looking at the train I thought it was funny only bc I imaged the chick saying "What a bitch" in her head. So we get off the train and pick up Tamika from her job. Now image a group of four super cute females walking in together to pick another super cutie that's what I call an awesome So now that the party was complete it was time to eat!!!

We walked to a Japanese spot that Tamika and I found a couple weeks before and sat down for some dinner. We ordered and waited for a while for our food but it was worth it in the end. We continued our girl talk which now included a discussion about a group of old white lady's that had a black baby with them eating at a table behind We joked and laughed while finishing our dinner. When we finish it was time for the movies. Phase one completed!!

Being that we, will i, was running late we had to catch a later showing of the movie. The movie you might ask was Abduction. Yes I'm hot for Taylor Lautner and so was the rest of my group!!! Anyways, we had to walk to 42nd to the movie theatre and boy oh boy was that a You would like that the rain would keep the crazies home but nope they were out and about. First this old man with a cowboy hat went under Tamika's umbrella and was like "hey you going to share your umbrella with me". So of course Tamika starts walking away from him as fast as possible leaving me and Destinie behind with the old cowboy. Now me and Destinie were sharing my umbrella but she was holding it cuz shes the taller one. The old cowboy now decides that he can fit under my umbrella and Destinie being Destinie goes along but i could do nothing but laugh cuz of course this would happen on my night out. He walked with us for about a block and then was off on his merry cowboy way. I decided maybe we such cross the street before he decides to join us the rest of the way so we did. The other side of the street was no better. Some random Mexican decided that he wanted my umbrella and tries to jump up to grab it but missed so we Then a group of young ass boys tried to talk to us and some other loser guys. But we finally had it to the theatre. So we get our sits up front and the screen was huge. The movie starts and we're gaga over Taylor :) Now the movie was a little disappointing. I felt that there could have been more action in it and I really didn't like the leading female she was lame. So after many comments on how hot Taylor is and wow look at his abs the movie finished. Now begins the search for a bathroom. We tried to find an open bathroom without a line down to Broadway but it wasn't easy. But thanks to Destinies friendliness an usher showed us a bathroom that was open and was hardly used. So as we used our VIP discussed what we liked and didn't like about the movie. Once we were done it was time to part ways with some of my girls. Renee and Yadie had to work the next day so they had to head home. So me, Tamika, and Destinie said our goodbyes and headed up to grand central. Phase Two completed!!

As we headed to the bar Destinie informs me and Tamika that she was meeting up with some friends of hers so she wasn't going to the bar with us. We walked part way with her and said goodbye now it was just me and Tamika. We went to a bar called The Public House where we met up with my co worker Nashaera (I know i know people with strange names but i love them so there!!). I reserved a table for us weeks prior and I was given a free 3hr unlimited drinks band :) I was given three tables!!! Which being that I only had three people in my party it was a little funny. Nashaera brought her own band for $40 and we hit the bar hard!! The music was good and the people were cool with the expectation of a few drunks thinking it was OK to leave there empty bottles and glasses on our table but Nashaera handled As I was sitting and chatting with the girls I noticed this guy standing by our table. At first I thought that I had to many drinks but no I was seeing clearly and what I saw was I swore to God that this guy looked like Thor straight from the movie. He was tall, blond shoulder length hair,bread, blue eyes and built. I was just staring at him like oh my god its The girls were like what are you looking at and i was like at Thor and they laughed at me and i was like no really look. And they did and was like oh shit it is So of course i sneaked a pix of him without him knowing and posted it on Face book saying that Thor came to wish me a Happy Anyways we had a good time singing, dancing, laughing it up at the bar until about 3am. Nashaera was hungry so we went to an all night buffet/store on the corner of the same block as bar. She ordered a burger and fries. Me, well I saw a huge vanilla frosting cupcake with rainbow sprinkles and i had to have cuz it was my birthday :) I wanted the cupcake but i also wanted a discount being that it was my birthday but the manager was a jerk and charged me full price plus tax !!!! What a douche!!! So i brought the cupcake and shared it with the girls. I also was playing with this cute cat at the store and Nashaera wanted to play to but the cat scratched her hard so she stopped. When the food was ready we sat down and shared some of the fries, and they were good by the way :), and talked about the fun we had at the bar and how we have to go back again. So now it was time to head home. Phase Three completed!!!

On the way home we talked about everything we did and laughed. We all parted ways to our homes and beds that awaited us and decided yes we must do this again. And that was my pre-birthday celebration.

My actual birthday Sept 24th was a little more laid back. I slept in, my husband made me breakfast, then the family and I head to the movies to see no other then the Lion King 3D, i of course picked the We got candy, popcorn and drinks before the movie so we didn't have to buy there, some might say that's cheap but i call it smart. I also was able to get a free popcorn by checking into the movie on yahoo :). We were early for the movie so we sat and watched Dolphin Tale for awhile, it was actually pretty good to bad we couldn't finish it cuz our movie was about to start. I totally enjoyed the 3D experience of the Lion King. Being that its one of my favorites I didn't mind paying to see it again and wow did the colors very pop out. We came home after the movie where my husband cooked dinner and Tamika and her boyfriend Orban came by with a cake for me :). We ate cake and waited for Yadie to get home from work so me, Tamika, and Destinie can have a sleep over at her place being that she now had her own apt. She and Destinie picked us and we headed to the apt. The two of them got me a card which the both wrote the same extact thing "You're awesome!!" They so didnt read what each other wrote til after the fact. I just love my We watched a movie called Branson, which is about englands most voilent prisnor, and drank. The movie was crazy and funny at the same time. We also watched an epidoe of  IT crew and The Man that Cried(with johnny depp). But as the hours went by Yadie was the first to bed being that she work that afternoon, then Tamika pass out on the sofa which left me and Destinie still up johnny But when the movie finished we got ready for bed which Yadie very nicely gave up her bed for the three of us(she's the best host :) ).Tamika was to tired to get up so Destinie picked her up and put her in bed but of course we didnt go striaght to sleep. Like little girls we talked and giggled in bed we even sang a little before we all finally fell out. Phase Four completed!!

I woke up around 10am and notice that all three of us were laying facing the door which in a way left us kind of spooning which So Yadie was up already doing her laundery and offered to make us pancakes for breakfast...yay!! As we waited for pancakes me and Tamika put on Tangled...yea i said I really liked it. So after finishing breakfast and Tangled Destinie woke up ate and took us home. Phase Five completed!!

So that was my 29th Birthday weekend. I had a blast and I thank everyone for coming,wishing, and giving me a very Happy Birthday!! Love You Guys!!                


  1. Sorry for such a late reply. I've been slacking with blogs like crazy! Lol. Haha. That night was full of crazies! I blamed you and Destinie!!! We gotta have another girls night out. This time we'll take a bunch of pics to go with our posts ;)

  2. Don't be jealous of our Yes we must plan to go out or chill at ur place very soon in deed ;)
