Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Comic Con 2011

So this past weekend I join Thousands of people for the New York Comic Con in no other then my place of employment the Javits Center. I was only really able to go one day which was Sunday being that I worked Friday and took Saturday for a much need day off from a long week of non stop running around. Now lets begin...

This year comic con had a four day stay instead of the usual three which was Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Thursday was for media and VIPs so Friday was officially the first day open to the public. I had to work the show greeting the attendees and helping them get to where they gotta go. I usually hate greeting for the shows because I usually don't know much about the show that I'm greeting but comic con was a joy cause I knew pretty much everything about the show being that I love the show and attend every year. I only had to work til 3:30pm so I was able to check out the show for a bit after greeting with my BB yadie and I was able to get some free stuff cause anyone who knows me knows how I love free stuff....lol. I saw alot of cool booths and new games coming out but there wasn't that many good costumes this year like there were last year. I got two free books and one I got signed. I also got a few free shirts, stickers, and other little things before I headed home.

Sunday was the big day being that one of my favorite authors was going to be signing at comic con so Me and by sister Tamika headed out early to get as much done before our author Jeaniene Frost would be there. We got there at 10 am and went straight to the book section to get our book grabbing on :). We hung around the book section like scanventages grabbing every book we can. We got about 8 signed by the authors and was first in line for many of them. At 1:00pm Ms. Frost began signing and we got pix with her. It was my sisters first time meeting her so she was super excited. I had met her once before but I was still excited about see her again and when I mentioned that I was the person who messaged her on Good reads about how I would be seeing her at Comic Con she smiled and laughed sayings of yea I remember :). Sometimes being a stalker pays off....lol. I was remembered by another author that I met at last years Comic Con. It was her first signing and I was the first person on line(which by the way I was first again this year :)) and I asked her how her first time at Comic Con was going and asked about her book. When she saw I was the first on line again this year she was all smiles and was like hey I remember you from last year its great to see you again! Then she asked for my email address so she can send me info about her latest book coming out. She was so sweet she not only signed a book for me but she also signed a card for me, SWEET!!!

By the end of the day I got about 34 free books which 8 were signed, met some great new authors who were super nice, and got to see old authors again. I also got 4 more free shirts and a branch of other cool stuff. It was a good day. I had alot fun with my sister and I was happy that she got a chance to experience the whole thing for the first time even though she did get tired but she was happy in the end. I wish that yadie would have came with us but she hurt her back and stood home to rest. But there's always next year and I will be there next year and every year after cause I just love Comic Con!!!!  

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