Friday, September 9, 2011

So we here go....

So this is officially my first blog and i really don't know what I'm doing!! I guess i just use this as a journal or something to rant and rave about everyone and everything. Its funny how these kinds of things used to be viewed as private but now its all over the web for all to see. well i don't mind cuz i pretty much tell everyone everything that's in my head most of the time anyways so how is this different. So i guess I'll start with I'm the middle child of three girls, a triangle i like to think we are, three line's that together make a pretty cool shape but mainly three individuals that support one another and wouldn't be what we are today if we weren't together. I'm married to an alpha male that pretty much would do everything in his power to make his family happy. I'm a mother of two monster boys who make each day a day to remember. And I'm a loyal friend to those whom i feel are completely awesome and deserve such loyalty. I'm a hard worker and enjoy learning new things. So i guess that enough of that. Maybe now I'll talk about my oldest son Lucas first days of kindergarten.

Yesterday was hes first day and it was chaos. The school was completely unorganized and if there's one thing i hate when it comes to so call professionals its being unorganized and unprepared. Kids and parents were crowed up around the gates to the entrance like they were getting free metro cards for calling out loud and no one knew what was going on. The teachers were yelling at parents to let the kids though and leave. We all just looked at each other was like "hell no we wont go". They wanted parents to blindly send their children into the school which many of them have never been to to find a teacher they never met. That was completely out of the question so i sent my alpha male husband in with Lucas to find out who hes teacher was and of course he did it :). So fastfoward to dismissal where we were told pick up the kids at the same place we dropped them off to find out almost 10 mins later that no actually their in the front. And to top that off the vice principle had the nerve to tell us parents that we need to be on time for pick up!!!! And of course once again my alpha male husband came to the rescue and let that lady know whats whats :).  But today was much smoother then yesterday and hopefully will continue to be. As for my Lucas, he was a champ!! He didn't cry like many of the other kids and many much older then he is. He also went in today by himself and found hes teacher. Of course i know this cuz I'm also a stalker mom that sneaked in the auditorium and hide in the back, i cant help it he's still my

So this concludes my first blog which is probably going to continue to be as random as this one and hopefully entertaining for u readers :). My next definite blogs will be about my up coming birthday and comic con which I'm uber excited about. And I'll be on writing about whatever randomness that happens before.


  1. I don't understand the school system. I went to public school all my life and it was never like that. It's just getting worse and worse. I think I'm going to end up home schooling my children whenever I hatch them out.

    Yay for first blogs!

  2. I know i was raving about that how when i was in school and then i felt really this is one of the main reasons i wanna move out of ny

  3. Move! Move! MOOOOOOOOOVE! ...... Oklahoma is awesome!.... Just a thought!

  4. I don't know about OK u guys had some twister problems this summer and i don't like
